Monday, May 2, 2011

How to react to the death of Osama bin laden

I woke up this morning to a text from my sister saying that Osama Bin laden was dead. I got on facebook for the morning and saw all the status' about it and you got christians who have their opinion, others are again in favor of Obama and then you have people saying we should celebrate the man's death! My feelings were mixed so I asked God. He reminded me of what He's been teaching me lately.

Something that God has been teaching me a ton lately has been about love. How to love people that I hate, people that have hurt me and people that I don't even know. I'll be at work and God will start raving about a person to me about how great that person is, how much He adores them, ect. And I'm like, "God, I dont even know this person!" But He LOVES them! Genuinely LOVES them. They may not even be christians. They could even possibly be atheist that want nothing to do with Him but He still LOVES them! I think too often we forget that God's love is unconditional. That means, it doesn't matter what we do, what we say, if we kill a bazillion people, if we bomb places, if we plan terrorist attacks. IT DOESNT MATTER! To Him it's not about the things we do. It's about who we are. He sees us like nobody else does. We americans have no right to judge Osama. We have no idea what He's been through and what had caused him to do the things he did. We are a nation under God, and our God calls us to love like He loves. That's unconditionally. I don't forget what this man did to our country. Many died and I understand that. But he is still a man that God loved. If we walk in forgiveness and pray for our enemies, thats when the doors are open for God to change hearts and lives.

When it comes right down to it, in the end God isn't gonna ask us how many terrorist we killed...He's gonna ask us, "Did you learn to love?"


  1. right on Sarah! I had the same thoughts and feelings about it. After all, he made in the image of God just like us, he may have followed a different path but...

  2. You are speaking Biblical Truth! Amen!

  3. Hey Sarah, I agree. I see all these people cheering and celebrating and it is a bit disturbing to me. Believe me, it sickens me the lives that that man (Osama) ended in murder. I am sure he lived a life of deceit, lust, selfishness and frankly demonic choices. Still, he was created by and for God. He just chose (or was brainwashed) to not follow Him. It is a little sad. Yes, it is good that many innocent lives will now likely be saved because Osama is gone and that is good that those lives will be spared. But to outright shout for joy that a human being has been killed seems wrong and not Godly. I am sure the Lord was heart broken by Osama's choices in life but perhaps even more so by that moment when the bullet entered his brain and he awoke in reality. When his eyes really were opened to the fact that Jesus is Lord and Life and now he is without both for eternity.....

    Every life is precious, even if we hate that life...God doesn't.

    Love Ya like a daughter,
    Rich (Robert)
