Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Future Plans

Well, here is the moment most people have been waiting for. After much prayer and planning and confirmation and more prayer and planning and submitting to God, I have finally finalized what I will be doing in this next season of my life. I'm trying to drag this out as much as possible because I know the suspense is just killing you and I really wanna just.....OK OK! I'll tell you ;)

I have recently been accepted to the University of Sioux Falls which is located in South Dakota if you didn't know that. I will be starting this fall and majoring in music. Now you are probably wondering why I would decide to do such a thing since I'm obviously in love with missions and stuff. Well it all started last September while I was in Sweden. We were there for a conference to celebrate YWAM's 50 years! Loren and Darlene Cunningham (the founders of YWAM) were there and spoke on all things YWAM. Past, present and future. During one of the meetings, Darlene was talking about all these future things that YWAM is getting involved in and a bunch of stuff. She also talked about how we need skillful people. Not just missionarys that can't do anything. We need to expand on the gifts that God has given us. Yes, He can use us just as we are but it's like the parable of the talents. God honored the ones that did something and expanded on what He gave them. God gives us gift and abilities with the idea that were gonna use them to the best of our ability. To learn all about our skill and get really good at it! Do it with excellence!
I got a lot out of what Darlene was saying even if it didn't hit me straight away. It took another one of our teachers speaking on being a skillful worship leader to really realize where God was going with this. The first day the teacher was there, everything he said just hit home. I knew then that yes, I'm anointed in worship. I have a God-given ability to hear music. But that is mostly my problem. I only play by ear. I noticed that I know how to play piano and guitar and I know how to sing, but I dont really KNOW how to do that stuff. What I know right now is just what comes naturally to me. Sometimes when people would ask me how I know what to do, I'd just have to say, well, and then think about it for a while before I answered, I dont know. I want to be a good steward of the gift I have been given. I want to be a skillful worship leader. When praying about how to go about this, I really felt like God placed this school on my heart. I don't know why, but when I considered anything else it just didn't make sense. God has given me favor and has opened the doors. I am going to walk into this next season with the confidence that this is where God has me for this season.

I'm excited! I know that it will be good. It always is. I look forward to growing more and more! I can't wait!
If you have any questions about what my plans are or anything, please feel free to contact me.

I will be going out to South Dakota on march 15th and I have an audition for a music scholorship on the 17th. If you can pray with me for favor and peace I would really appreciate it. I know that God makes all things work together for my good because I love Him so I have nothing to worry about.

Thanks for taking an intrest in my life! It means so much! <3


  1. praying! so excited to see it unfold.

  2. I love that you are obedient to what God has spoken to you. I am truly stoked for you girl. I will be looking forward for you to come teach at the SOW one day! :) Blessings heaps and enjoy the next adventure. Love ya!
