Thursday, July 28, 2011

Album Update!

The Oil to Fire band! Only the most awesome band ever!
   Hey Everyone! I know it's been quite some time since I've posted an update. As most of you can sympathize, life gets away from you. Learning how to balance everything is something that you have to re-learn each time you enter a new season of your life. Well, blogging just did not take priority.

   I am happy to announce that we have successfully completed our six weeks of prayer and worship! We got all of the recordings and after 16 hours of working, Corey and I narrowed it down to what is now the line up for the "fire" portion of the album. It's exciting to start seeing this project come together and I'm so excited to see it finished completely! I know God is doing something through it and it's so exciting to be a part of it!

  Well I know this is short but I will try to do better at posting updates! Things are moving! Keep your eyes peeled for exciting pics, video and updates on the album! We hope to have a release date soon!