Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Yes, No, or Wait....

I of course love when God says Yes, and No can be either good or bad depending on the situation, but wait is just agonizing....It's super duper hard ever single time!

Why is it that when we need an answer from God and He gives it to us but it's not the one we want do we keep asking Him for more confirmation? It's easy to know if something is God or not when it's taking action b/c then you see the end result. But when He just tells you to wait, you dont know if your making the right decision until He eventually answers you. Yes, I trust that God has perfect timing but seriously sometimes i think my timing is better. From past experiences thats for sure NOT true but i'd like to think that it is sometimes. It's even harder when your asking God for something you want and He's said He wants to give it to you and you see an opportunity but He tells you to wait! UGH! Oh I dont know. All I know is that God honors obedience, and if your heart is to obey Him and you screw up, He makes ALL things good (Romans 8:28)! Ok, I have nothing to worry about.  Not to mention, He gave me this promise at the beginning of the year b/c He just loves me....

"I will go before you and make the rough places smooth. I will shatter the gates of bronze and cut through their iron bars. I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hidden wealth of secret places so that you will know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Isreal who calls you by your name."  Isaiah 45:2&3

Wow, He's so good. I really LOVE Him! :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Well the album is officially complete! We have even placed the order for the cd's and they should be here before the end of the month! We will be releasing it July 11, 2010 and to kick it off, there will be a cd release concert! Feel free to come out and join us! It will be held at City View Community Church 1655 Roosevelt Ave, York PA 17408 at 6pm on July 11, 2010! You will get to hear songs from the album, drink coffee, and get to be one of the first to purchase the album! I'm really excited about it. It's gonna be great!

I also got a chance to go to Orlando last weekend to visit my bestest friends in the entire world! They are amazing and I love them to pieces. I'm so blessed that I got to see them before we all go our separate ways for the summer. Oh the life of missionaries, it's a blessing but sure isn't easy.

My support raising for Finland is slow going. I have gotten some support (PTL) but I'm still in need of quite a bit. But I'm trusting God. I actually realized something today while i was at work sorting through an endless amount of strawberries, two years ago at this time i was trusting God for finances to be able to go on my School of Ministry and Evangelism outreach. Then last year at this time, I was trusting God for finances to be able to go to the Dominican Republic for my School of Worship outreach. And now here i am, waiting on God to provide for this trip to Finland. The common denominator....I went on both of those outreaches b/c God proved himself to be beyond faithful. It never happened the way I thought it would have but none the less, I have the pictures to prove it! It was also always last minute and that's always terribly agonizing and what got me through was my times with God, pouring out my frustrations and standing on the promises that He was always faithful to give me. So all that to say, I think it's time for me to go spend some time with the person who believes in me more than anyone else in the world and can give me the peace that I need to keep trusting that this is what He wants and He is going to give me everything I need to accomplish this. I love that He is completely trustworthy ALL the time.